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Theresa Rebeck's Spike Heels has rapid-fire rhythms and high-stakes humor  -- ably directed by Paul Millet... Leslie Channon heads the cast as Georgie, your basic smarter-than-she-looks-trashy-blonde... the requisite tight-ass-but-wants-to-get-dirty blueblood WASP, Andrew (a spot-on J. Richey Nash)... naturally dripping with frustrated sexuality... this production gets kicked up a notch... The slick and wonderfully funny [James Castle] Stevens has a handle on the simplicities and complexities of Rebeck's dialogue... comes off as the slimiest and most likeable of unlikely heroes... [Michelle] Pratt's intelligence and lovely presence serves the material beautifully... [Leslie] Channon's evident skills and open honesty are appealing...  Click here for the entire Backstage West review...